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 EU DDRM Documents

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SNNP_EU DDRM project M&E_ June 2022 Hawassa
 SNNP Region, one of the most populous and resourceful regions in the country,
  high incidences of disasters and risks affecting the livelihoods of vulnerable communities particularly in drought prone areas
  Drought with increasing magnitude and frequency
 Due to this, a large proportion of the population remains vulnerable to a number of shocks
EU DDRM Documents 2023-01-22
PROGRESS REPORT Nº1 August 2020 – January 2021
This is the first Technical Assistance Team (TAT) progress report presented for the project “Decentralization of Disaster Risk Management in Ethiopia (DDRME)” for the reporting period August, 1 2020 to January 31, 2021. 
This progress report aims at presenting specific TAT support but also joint actions with the beneficiary agencies, The National Disaster Risk Management Commission (NDRMC), Oromia DRM Commission (ODRMC) and Amhara National Regional State Disaster Prevention and Food Security Program, and Areas in Need of Special Support Coordination Commission (DPFSPANSSCC).

EU DDRM Documents 2023-01-14
Consolidated Annual Report (2020 to 2021)
Ethiopia as a country is facing multiple and protracted disaster risks notably: droughts, flooding, locust infestations, landslides, conflicts, displacements, an occasional influx of refugees, and potential earthquakes; among others. In response to these risks, the Government of Ethiopia has adopted different policies and strategies, to respond to these crises.
The Ethiopian “National Policy and Strategy on Disaster Risk Management” (NPDRM) issued in 2013, provides direction for dealing with the prevention, preparedness and response to multi-hazards and management of disaster risks in the country. The Government has since developed a DRM Strategic Programme and Investment Framework (DRM-SPIF) that envisions reducing the impact of disasters through the establishment of a comprehensive and integrated DRM system. The Ethiopia/National Disaster Risk Management Commission (E/NDRMC) was created in 2016 to implement the NDRM policy by coordinating with government agencies at the Federal and regional states levels, and the other partners in the country.
EU DDRM Documents 2023-01-14
WORKSHOP REPORT ON RESEARCH, TRAINING AND KNOWLEDGE MANAGEMENT: Collaboration among Universities and DRM Institutions in Ethiopia Knowledge management (KM) is the process of creating, sharing, using and managing the knowledge and information in an organization. It deals with any intentional set of practices and processes designed to optimize the use of knowledge by increasing efficiency in the area of knowledge production, distribution and use.
The National Disaster Risk Management Commission, supported by the Technical Assistance Team of DT Global (European Union funded project), organized a workshop on research, training and knowledge management in collaboration among Universities and DRM Institutions in Oromia, Amhara, Somali, Sidama and SNNP Regions in Adama from 24th to 26th August 2021.
The main goal of the workshop was to bring together the universities, the Federal and Regional DRM institutions, the Technical Assistance Team, Development partners and UN agencies in order to build synergy for conducting joint research activities and enhance the capacity of the Federal and Regional DRM Institutions that ensures the sustainability of the EU-DRM Decentralization Project outputs and results. The joint research activities will be planned for the next three years during which new DRM tools, new methodologies, priority areas at national level and other research outputs will be produced based on global standards.
EU DDRM Documents 2023-01-14
Oromia_EU DDRM project_Overview (Oromia) Oromia EU DDRM project Overview EU DDRM Documents 2023-01-14
Eu supported Decentralization of Disaster Risk Management Project In Oromia Project Achievements for the year 2021/22
Eu supported Decentralization of Disaster Risk Management Project In Oromia
Project Achievements for the year 2021/22 (Busa Gonfa Oromia)
EU DDRM Documents 2023-01-14
EU DDRM 1st six monthly report August 2020 to January 2021_FINAL
This is the first Technical Assistance Team (TAT) progress report presented for the project “Decentralization of Disaster Risk Management in Ethiopia (DDRME)” for the reporting period August, 1 2020 to January 31, 2021. This progress report aims at presenting specific TAT support but also joint actions with the beneficiary agencies, The National Disaster Risk Management Commission (NDRMC), Oromia DRM Commission
(ODRMC) and Amhara National Regional State Disaster Prevention and Food Security Program, and Areas in Need of Special Support Coordination Commission (DPFSPANSSCC). 

The report is structured as follows:
 Section 2 of the report outlines the background to the program and the Key Result Areas
 Section 3 provides a narrative overview of the reporting period, highlighting the challenges and mitigation factors as well as high-level assessment of progress of detailed activities in each of the Key Result Areas
 Section 4 provides an overview of the utilization of resources, from the perspective of the main / incidentals budget for Key and Non Key Experts (NKE) days
 Section 5 revised Strategy and Work Plan (February to July 2021)
 Section 6 provides annexures of some documents produced by TAT during reporting period.
EU DDRM Documents 2022-12-26
PROGRESS REPORT Nº2 February – July 2021
This is the second Technical Assistance Team (TAT) progress report presented for the project “Decentralization of Disaster Risk Management in Ethiopia (DDRME)” for the reporting period February 1, 2021 to July 31, 2021. This progress report aims at presenting specific TAT support but also joint actions with the beneficiary agencies, The National Disaster Risk Management Commission (NDRMC), Oromia DRM Commission (ODRMC) and Amhara National Regional State Disaster Prevention and Food Security Program, and Areas in Need of Special Support Coordination Commission (ANRS-DPFSPANSSCC). The report further highlights progress in EU DDRME TAT project implementation support and in coordination, collaboration with other DRR actors in Ethiopia for synergy.
The report is structured as follows (similar to first report):
• Section 2 of the report outlines the background to the programme and the Key Result Areas
• Section 3 provides a narrative overview of the reporting period, highlighting the challenges and mitigation factors as well as high-level assessment of progress of detailed activities in each of the Key Result Areas
• Section 4 provides an overview of the utilisation of resources, from the perspective of the main / incidentals budget for Key and Non Key Experts (NKE) days
• Section 5 revised Strategy and Work Plan (August 2021 to January 2022)
• Section 6 provides annexures of some documents produced by TAT during reporting period (submitted separately).
EU DDRM Documents 2022-12-26
PROGRESS REPORT Nº2 August 2021 – January 2022
This is the second Technical Assistance Team (TAT) progress report presented for the project “Decentralization of Disaster Risk Management in Ethiopia (DDRME)” for the reporting period August 1, 2021 to January 31, 2022. This progress report aims at presenting specific TAT support but also joint actions with the beneficiary agencies, The Ethiopia Disaster Risk Management Commission (EDRMC), Oromia DRM Commission (ODRMC) and Amhara National Regional State Disaster Prevention and Food Security Program, and Areas in Need of Special Support Coordination Commission (ANRS-DPFSPANSSCC). The report further highlights progress in EU DDRME TAT project implementation support and in coordination, collaboration with other DRR actors in Ethiopia for synergy.
The report is structured as follows (similar to previous two reports):
• Section 2 of the report outlines the background to the programme and the Key Result Areas
• Section 3 provides a narrative overview of the reporting period, highlighting the challenges and mitigation factors as well as high-level assessment of progress of detailed activities in each of the Key Result Areas
• Section 4 provides an overview of the utilisation of resources, from the perspective of the main / incidentals budget for Key and Non Key Experts (NKE) days
• Section 5 revised Strategy and Work Plan (February 1, 2022 to July 31, 2022)
• Section 6 provides annexures of some documents produced by TAT during reporting period (submitted separately).
EU DDRM Documents 2022-12-26
EU DDRM PROJECT STEERING COMMITTEE MEETING MINUTES Date: Friday, His Excellency Ambassador Dr Shefaraw T/Mariam, the Commissioner, of the Ethiopia Disaster Risk Management Commission welcomed the three State Ministers present, the regional DRM commissioners, the EU Delegation and Technical Assistance Team present to the national-level Project Steering Committee meeting for the Decentralized DRM Project in Ethiopia. He highlighted the direction of the government of Ethiopia towards a decentralized DRM approach where the decentralized way of doing disaster risk reduction and mainstreaming through sectors has been given due emphasis in the already prepared draft DRM policy submitted to the council of ministers for approval. He also stated that the EU decentralized DRM program project is instrumental in actualizing the Ethiopian government’s strategic aspirations towards achieving practically the goal of the disaster risk management (DRM) policy framework.
EU DDRM Documents 2022-12-26
Report of the TAT mission to the Somali National Regional State: Familiarization Workshop of EU-DRR Project conducted in Somali Region, Jigjiga
Familiarization workshop is part of the inception phase of the EU-DRM Decentralization project. The workshop is mandatory and needs to be attended by high level officials from Federal and Regional DRM Commissions, Zone Administrators, Decision makers and Directors. During the workshop in Somali Region, the DRM policy is discussed and explained, overall objectives of the EU-DRM Decentralization is presented, disaster risk profiling and modalities of community participation in the project are discussed.
Accordingly, the familiarization workshop for Somali Region was held from 28-29 September 2020 with large number of participants. The workshop was started with introduction of the participants, and opened by welcoming remarks from Mr. Abdullahi Abdi Aden, the head of Somali Regional Disaster Risk Management Bureau. Mr. Aden has welcomed all participants from, NDRMC, EU Project members (TAT), Regional sector bureau, zonal and woreda administrators, UN & other nongovernmental agencies and gave the opening speech.
EU DDRM Documents 2022-12-26
This inception report presents an overview of the Disaster Risk Management (DRM) situation in Ethiopia. It further describes in detail activities and work plans that are foreseen in the project as at the inception phase to prepare for smooth initiation of project activity implementation. The Technical Assistance Team (TAT) was mobilized on 3rd August and started with concrete plans to begin proposed activities during the inception phase in line with the requirements in the project Terms of Reference (ToR).
Though the inception phase formally ended on 31 August 2020, due to Covid-19, the TAT and the counterparts faced challenges in conducting meetings and planning sessions in time. This was situated by the necessity to physically travel to the five regions and conducting meetings in the capital Addis Ababa. This slightly delayed compilation of data and inception report than expected.
Accordingly, the project start-up and implementation is further compounded by delayed purchase of cars, motor bikes and office supplies. This has largely impacted the ability of project staff at NDRMC and regions to facilitate project planning and implementations. The TAT is proposing that if allowable, that NDRMC and regions be allowed to spend their contingency funds for car rentals to allow mobility of the project staff.
EU DDRM Documents 2022-12-26
Amhara region_EU DDRM project_overview Amhara region_EU DDRM project_overview
EU DDRM Documents 2022-12-26
Amhara_EU DDRM project M&E _June 2022_Hawassa Amhara_EU DDRM project M&E _June 2022_Hawassa EU DDRM Documents 2022-12-26
General_ EU DDRM project overview_Sept 2022 General_ EU DDRM project overview_Sept 2022 EU DDRM Documents 2022-12-26
EU DDRM MTR_ Nov 2022
Amhara Regional state DRMC EUR
EUR 4 825 000 (EU contribution) with additional matching fund (EUR 1 760 000 from the regional government to implement early response
responsive actions under contingency fund.
EU DDRM Documents 2022-12-26
DRM and Gender Mainstreaming Workshop Report_June 2022
EDRMC organized a Disaster Risk Management (DRM) and Gender Mainstreaming workshop for 2-4 June 2022, to sensitize the federal and regional experts on mainstreaming gender in DRM activities. As expected in the EU DDRM project contract documents, the implemented activities in the five regions of Amhara, Oromia, Sidama, Somalia, and SNNP require periodic DRM and gender mainstreaming trainings and guidelines to build the technical and strategic teams to guide overall project implementation throughout the period.
The EU DDRM action and documents envisaged that “Intervention packages to address the specific needs Result 1 Output 1.3 when climatic shocks occur while taking into account the gender aspects and the needs and interests of peoples living with disabilities as well as for conflict resolution mechanisms and package intervention for the integration of climate induced IDPs in the host communities”. Resolution of conflicts and gender empowerment will be among the priority topics.
EU DDRM Documents 2022-12-26
Joint Project Review Report_June 2022 As expected in the EU DDRM project contract documents, the implemented activities in the five regions of Amhara, Oromia, Sidama, Somalia, and SNNP require periodic technical and strategic review throughout their implementation period. of activities; to achieve its intended outputs and results. However, due to various delays, the actual implementation of activities began later in 2020 and thus delayed the anticipated successive technical and strategic review meetings. This is the first formal internal joint monitoring and review mission conducted to highlight the technical, operational, and management specificities of the project. The project internal review will therefore periodically be conducted to assess areas of achievement; the challenges; and suggest areas for improvements regarding approaches, strategies, and implementation modalities to streamline operational and management decisions.

The joint review monitoring missions were conducted in three phases by three teams with mixed expertise (Project managers, EDRMC technical experts, and TA. The first phase entailed field missions conducted by three teams to 1) Oromia and Somali regions; 2) the Amhara region and 3) SNNP/Sidama regions, respectively. The second phase was a joint field visit to the Sidama region (all teams) and the Third phase was a joint days’ workshop to share lessons and provide technical, operational, and management feedback. The three teams upon completion of the specific joint missions provided reports during the workshop. Summary of the schedule and team below:
✓ Regions-specific field missions (3-4 days) – 13-16 June 2022
✓ Joint field mission to Sidama (0.5 days) – 18th June 2022
EU DDRM Documents 2022-12-26

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 Developer: Yetwale Alemayehu 
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 European Union

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