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UNICEF Annual Report 2021
2021 was extremely challenging for children and their families in Ethiopia, where multiple complex emergencies—conflict, climatic shocks and the COVID-19’s socio-economic impacts—generated displacement, drove exponential growth in humanitarian needs and threatened the Sustainable Development Goals’ (SDG) progress. As of December 2021, 26.3 million people required humanitarian assistance, including 14 million children, and 4.2 million people had been internally displaced due to the year’s crises.
Conflict escalation in northern Ethiopia had a particularly devastating impact on women and children; around 2.1 million children and their
families were uprooted from their homes and more than 9 million people needed urgent humanitarian assistance in the three conflict-affected regions of Afar, Amhara and Tigray. Scores of innocent people were killed and injured, and public structures attacked, both constituting flagrant international humanitarian law violations. 
UNICEF Reports 2023-01-18

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